By Jenny Patrickson, MD for Active IQ
As we come to the end of the year, and in fact the end of the decade, it’s a good time for reflection as well as setting goals for the coming year ahead.
As I look back, it has been another busy year for us. Reflecting on the services we provided, the centres and individuals with whom we have connected and the industry events we have attended, I believe we have achieved a phenomenal amount.
This year alone, we have had over 45,000 registrations on qualifications, we’ve approved 100 new centres, approved 400 applications for additional qualifications from existing customers and added 21 new or refreshed qualifications to our portfolio. Our industry is certainly booming and only set to get better as we enter a new decade.
I am proud of what the Active IQ team has achieved in 2019 in terms of developing and delivering such a broad range of products and services. I would like to thank all my colleagues, partners, centres, trainers and learners who share our professional ethos, quality and integrity. Upholding these shared values stand our industry in good stead.
Of all the varied work we have done this year, it is the continued uptake and impact of our Level 2 Mental Health Award that inspires and humbles me most.
This qualification was shortlisted for a FAB Award and has been embraced in and out of sector. It represents a need within society as a whole – not just our industry – to recognise and address mental ill-health among our colleagues, clients, families and friends. Wherever we take our Mental Health Award we can make a difference to individuals and organisations.
Christmas for many is the most wonderful time of the year but for people with mental ill-health it can be difficult.
You don’t need a mental health qualification to reach out to someone who is struggling: a kindly word or a quiet conversation can make all the difference at this time of year. It could be the first step to signposting someone you know to find help and support for a happier New Year.
I wish you all a very happy, caring and thoughtful Christmas with time for reflection amid the celebration.

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