In September, the Prime Minister set out the Government’s plan to support people and businesses with their energy bills, including a new six-month Energy Bill Relief scheme for businesses and other non-domestic energy users.
It was announced that the Government will publish a review into the operation of the scheme in three months’ time, to inform decisions on future support after March 2023.
The review will be carried out by the Business and Energy Secretary with close engagement across other Government departments and with the Devolved Administrations, and will report to the Prime Minister.
The review will focus in particular on identifying the most vulnerable non-domestic customers and how the Government will continue assisting them with energy costs. These are likely to be those who are least able to adjust, for example by reducing energy usage or increasing energy efficiency.
The review will consider:
- how effective the scheme has been in giving support to vulnerable non-domestic customers;
- which groups of non-domestic customers (by sector, size or geography) remain particularly vulnerable to energy price rises, considering the latest price position and forward curves, alongside other cost pressures; &
- how to continue supporting these customers
On behalf of DCMS and BEIS, ukactive have been asked to share and circulate the following BEIS survey in order to help inform the review process in regard to the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, working across the ukactive governance structure and wider membership to provide representation across all sector channels.
The survey is now live and is a key opportunity to feed your concerns directly to the Government and to capture insight, data and evidence that could inform the outcome of the review. This survey is being sent out to a huge number of sectors; ukactive encourages all of its members to respond to ensure that our sector’s views are represented.
The survey asks for individual firm-level details on your energy usage. Click here for the survey.
The survey will close at 23:55 on Sunday 30 October 2022
There are two specific questions we have been asked to provide guidance on to support this process
- Question 1.2 – the relevant SIC codes relating to the sport and physical activity sector are 9311, 9312, 9313 and 9319. 9313 relates specifically to Fitness Facilities
Question 1.3 – we would recommend the following categories as appropriate to your organisation.
- Non-public sector Multi site dry
- Non-public sector Multi site wet
- Non-public sector Multi site wet/dry
- Non-public sector Single site SME dry
- Non-public sector Single site SME wet
- Non-public sector Single site wet/dry
- Public sector dry (to include community and dual use facility)
- Public sector wet (to include community and dual use facility
- Public sector wet/dry (to include community and dual use facility)
Public Sector should include non-profit distributing organisations delivering services that are accessible and open to everyone within the local community (including leisure trusts, charities and social enterprises).
For those organisations that have a mixed portfolio, can you highlight the numbers of each site type in your portfolio. You are still able to utilise the sector channels within non-profit, privately owned etc.
For supplier businesses, please fill in according to your business category
All of the data provided will be treated as confidential and not shared outside of government. The questionnaire will close at 23:55 on Sunday 30 October 2022
If you have any questions regarding the BEIS commission, please contact

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