To read the framework click here
ukactive has today (7 May) published the recommended operational framework for gyms, leisure centres and the wider fitness industry to reopen safely in the UK – once they are permitted to do so by the Government.
The framework has been reviewed by independent medical experts and ukactive’s Scientific Advisory Board to ensure that fitness and leisure operators base their operational decisions on the best possible scientific evidence and guidance.
The document has also been informed by best practice from international markets where the sector is at different stages of managing the COVID-19 pandemic, and is endorsed by the UK’s leading operators.
ukactive will use the framework to inform ongoing discussions with the Government on the proposed reopening of the sector, providing the Government with the best insight and expertise from the sector.
Designed to provide the basis for individual operators to develop their own required technical operating guidance for customers, staff and supply chains, the framework has undergone intensive consultation with representatives from across the ukactive membership – considering organisations of all sizes, and both public and private sector.
Anticipating the Government’s requirements for continued social distancing once reopening commences, the framework covers the following areas for the safe operation of facilities:
- General operations, such as public information, staff wellbeing and hand sanitising
- Cleaning
- Reception area
- Changing room/showers/toilets gym
- Studios
- Courts/sports halls
- Swimming pools and wet side facilities
- Cafés and restaurants
- Outdoor fitness
- First aid and lifeguards
- Miscellaneous
- Specific operational needs.
Huw Edwards, CEO of ukactive, said: “The timeline for reopening gyms and leisure centres has not yet been confirmed and ukactive continues to work with the Government on this important issue.
“We hope the development of this framework provides the Government with the support it needs as it plans the reopening of our sector.
“It will also offer crucial support to our members as they plan their emergence from lockdown by putting the safety of members and staff first.
“In shaping this guidance with us, our members have demonstrated their collective unity to address this crisis together, and their shared responsibility for the nation’s health and wellbeing.
“While this framework offers immediate support for operators as they plan for the future, our members continue to face major financial pressures – from paying rent and utility bills, to accessing funding for furloughing staff, and negotiating terms with local authorities.
“This framework needs to go hand in hand with clarity around continued financial support from the Government as part of its reopening plans for the sector, so that businesses can remain financially viable.
“It is important the Government understands the unique role these facilities play in our society, with public leisure alone contributing £3.3bn towards our population’s health and wellbeing, and gyms and leisure centres employing around 189,000 people.”
The framework will be reviewed regularly and updated where necessary, in accordance with any changes to the Government’s guidelines and partners’ guidance.
To read the framework click here

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