Baroness Tanni Grey -Thompson (Chair, ukactive)
The national cost of physical inactivity now stands at £20 billion per year. Although this is comparable to many of the great public health challenges facing the UK today, including smoking, alcohol harm and poor diet, physical inactivity is the last of these factors to receive a long-term, dedicated, resource-backed strategy.
Studies published in the Lancet have shown that inactivity is as dangerous to an individual’s health as smoking, and a recent study of 334,000 European men found that nearly twice as many premature deaths can be attributed to physical inactivity as to obesity.
ukactive’s Blueprint for an Active Britain calls for a single- minded focusing of resources, energy and policy to turn the tide of physical inactivity. It is one of the UK’s greatest-ever social challenges. At its heart, the ukactive Blueprint lays the foundations for a stakeholder-supported government-led review of how and where physical activity can play a part in improving the nation’s wellbeing, with practical policy recommendations across a range of areas.
It reveals fresh data citing that 57 per cent of MPs believe physical inactivity is one of the top two health issues facing the UK right now and that 79 per cent of MPs feel that physical inactivity should be a higher priority for government.
For the first time, this document brings together the highest profile voices to address core themes in physical activity promotion, and sets out an ambitious forward course for policy development at this critical juncture.
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