ukactive is delighted to announce the appointment of Myzone Group CEO Dave Wright to the ukactive Board and the reappointment of GLL Strategic Advisor Mark Sesnan OBE.
The Board election process was held with ukactive members in November 2022, with the Board approving each of the new appointments on 15 December 2022.
Dave Wright is appointed on a three-year term as the representative for the ‘Wider Activity’ section of the ukactive membership, having previously served on the Board from 2009 to 2014.
From February he will take over the position from Professor Greg Whyte, who has been reappointed as an independent Non-Executive Director for his second term on the Board.
Mark Sesnan is reappointed for a final three-year term on the Board after first joining in May 2015, and will serve as the representative for the ‘Public Operator’ section of the ukactive membership.
The news follows the announcement in September 2022 of new Board members Amy Williams MBE, Victoria O’Byrne and Katy Cox, bringing new leadership experience and knowledge to the organisation.
Under ukactive Chair Mike Farrar, the new Board members will work with ukactive’s Councils and the Executive to drive ukactive’s plans for the development and growth of the sector to reach more than five million new members as part of its Vision 2030 strategy.
Dave Wright said: “I’m really looking forward to joining the ukactive Board again and helping to drive the physical activity agenda wider into the community, as well as learning from other members of the Board.
“I can’t wait to get started serving ukactive’s members again and taking forward our strategy to get more people, more active, more often.”
Mark Sesnan said: “I am proud to be reappointed to the ukactive Board for a further three years, particularly as we approach such a crucial time for the future of the sector.
“Together with our new Board members, we want to work with ukactive’s members to elevate the value that society puts on our industry and ensure what we do is recognised and supported by the Government and its agencies.”
Mike Farrar, Chair of ukactive, said: “Dave and Mark clearly have a wealth of sector experience, knowledge, and passion for our mission, so we are delighted to have them on the team as we begin the next chapter in our vision for the sector’s growth.
“Together with the reappointment of Greg, and our new Board members, Amy, Katy and Victoria, this news means ukactive’s members can feel well represented and confident about the direction of our sector over the coming years.”
To read more about ukactive’s strategy and plans click here.

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