Following publication of the Spending Review Report by the All-Party Group on Wellbeing Economics, ukactive offers its response.
ukactive acting CEO Huw Edwards said: “We strongly agree with the recommendations of this report which rightly puts wellbeing at the heart of Government policy.
“We need to radically reprioritise what is most important in our lives, and we know that the prosperity of our nation is intrinsically linked to the health of our people.
“That means Government must invest in supporting everyone to lead more healthy and active lives, improving our mental health and delivering better care for our most vulnerable citizens.
“And physical activity is the golden thread running through all of these issues – helping to support health and wellbeing from cradle to grave.
“The report rightly stresses the critical need for greater support for our children and young people, and the urgent need for ‘good youth centres and meaningful activities’ that are severely lacking.
“It is clear that there is a health and social crisis facing our children today, and there is a direct link between this report and our policy recommendation to see schools transformed into community hubs over the summer holidays.
“Unlocking these schools facilities will give more children the meaningful active experiences that address everything from fitness and learning loss through to loneliness and youth crime.
Ahead of the Spending Review, the Government must take these ideas very seriously and ensure investment is funnelled to areas that can truly help build a healthier and happier Britain.”

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