ukactive has issued the following statement in response to a new report from the LGA, APSE and CLOA, ‘Securing the future of public sport and leisure services’ (published 14 September)
Huw Edwards, ukactive CEO, said: “This report represents an important part of the conversation about the future of public sport and leisure services, the invaluable role it plays in society, and the reform required to secure its future”
“ukactive also acknowledges its leadership role, alongside the LGA, Sport England and wider sector partners in the continued development of the sector, as outlined in ukactive’s Decade of Change report, published in July.
“In a recent joint statement, ukactive and the LGA outlined how the sector is working together in collaboration to set out a roadmap of measures required in order to ensure the successful survival, recovery and evolution of this essential service – providing a strong foundation to establish a longer-term vision in transforming and raising the value of the sector and creating a platform for growth and change.
“In addition, there should be acknowledgement of the role private operators play in improving the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of communities. This transformation presents an exciting opportunity to explore how public sector leisure and private sector operators can complement one another, enabling both parts of the sector to develop and grow its own unique proposition to communities.”

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