Our sector has shown incredible levels of resilience and fortitude following its closure in March due to COVID-19. Driven by a common goal from the onset of lockdown, the sector has shown an unwavering commitment towards working collaboratively to chart a path back to recovery. Making decisions on the best possible data and insight has been, and will continue be, integral to this resurgence and to the sustained growth of the sector. The spirit of collaboration has been apparent across all corners of the industry and it is because of this that ukactive and 4global have been able to publish this impact and recovery report. We owe a huge and special thanks to all partners involved. Without your openness, shared learnings, and a united desire to support the sector get back on its feet, we would not have been able to set this roadmap.
On 23rd April, ukactive announced a four-stage strategy to support the sector through the challenges ahead. Working with the sector to navigate uncertainty against the backdrop of an ever-changing political landscape – our ability to draw upon a variety of datasets, methodologies, and sector expertise to generate invaluable insight has been vital. This is the foundation of the ukactive Research Institute and has been the driving force and ethos behind this impact and recovery report. During a time of unparalleled uncertainty across our sector, this impact and recovery report demonstrates the duty we have to understand the impact on our sector in the lead-up to closure, recognise how society and its behaviours have changed across the lockdown period, and endeavour to look into the future to guide the sector as we lay the foundations to thrive again together…

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